If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 她若另娶一个,那原来女子的吃食、和遮身之物、跟好合之事、仍然不可减少。
This marital rights and privileges established in the group, grew into a stupendous scheme. 这种在集体中建立起来的权利与特权发展成为一种庞大的体制。
A marital relationship with its rights and intimacies. 带有婚姻权利和亲密行为的关系。
With regard to property relations in the marital field, Laws on Property Rights and Marriage Law have something overlapped and adjustments. 在婚姻家庭中的财产关系中,物权法与婚姻法存在交叉调整的现象。
The weak points of China's present statutory marital property system find expression in the clash between the doctrine of separate conjugal personalities in their personal rights and the doctrine of integrated conjugal personality in property relation. 我国现行夫妻法定财产制存在严重问题,集中体现在夫妻人身关系的别体主义与夫妻财产关系的一体主义并行所产生的冲突。
The obligation of cohabitation of spouses is the basis of marital rights. 夫妻间的同居义务是夫妻其他权利与义务的基础。
Agents of the commission of lawyers in the case of marital disputes, in accordance with the provisions of the law, is safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of clients. 律师在婚姻纠纷案件中的代理是律师接受一方当事人的委托,依照法律的规定,从维护委托人合法权益出发,以委托人的名义参与诉讼的行为。
As for Chinese women, many problems remain unsolved in so many aspects as political rights, educational rights, individual rights, marital rights and rights in the family. 目前,我国妇女在政治权利、教育权利、劳动权利、人身权利和婚姻家庭权利中仍存在许多问题。
For the abuse of the marital cohabitation rights, I believed that it is not appropriate to penalize the crime of rape. 对于滥用婚内同居权的,不宜以强奸罪论处。
In the end, the auther forward two suggestions to the construction of marital tort compensation system: to perfect spouse rights system and to improve marital property system. 最后,为我国婚内损害赔偿制度构建提出了两点建议:一是健全配偶权体系;二是完善夫妻财产制。
As one of the rights of vital importance to marriage, marital cohabitation rights should not only be in the protection stage to natural rights, but rises to the level of legal rights. 婚内同居权作为婚姻关系中至关重要的权利之一,其不能仅停留于自然权利的保护阶段,而应上升为法律权利的层面。
Therefore, this article analyzes the phenomenon of marital rape and how to protect the rights of female victims from the perspective of civil law to look forward to finding out a new way to solve the issue of marital rape. 为此,本文从民法学的角度来分析婚内强奸的现象以及如何通过民法上的保护来保障受害人的权益。以期待寻找出一条新的道路来更好地解决婚内强奸这一现象。
The interpretation of marital cohabitation basic provisions for the legal system is: couples together enjoy the rights and undertake the obligations of cohabitation life except for whose cohabitation life can not be justified. 婚内同居制度的法律基本条文表述为:夫妻互享、互负婚内同居生活的权利和义务。但有不能同居生活的正当理由的,不在此限。
Deny that completely ignored the legitimate rights and interests of women have marital disregard and trample on the rights of women. 否定说完全忽视妇女在婚内拥有的合法权益,是对妇女权利的漠视和践踏。
The comparison of women in song and Western Xia on the legal status can be discussed in three areas in this article: economic rights, marital rights and personal rights. 关于宋与西夏妇女法律地位的比较,本文从三个方面来进行:经济权利、婚姻权利人身权利。